Occurrence Records - Index Fields

This table provides information on the occurrence record field types and mappings between search terms, JSON output terms (see ALA web services), download headers, readable names, descriptions, Darwin Core (DwC) terms and classes, as well as other miscellaneous attributes. Data is derived from the JSON web service: https://biocache-ws.ala.org.au/ws/index/fields. More information can be found on the wiki page.
Showing 591 to 600 of 647 results
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Search term JSON output Download term DwC term DwC class Description Download description Further information Other attributes
spatiallyValid geospatialKosher spatiallyValid Spatial validity Location Quality Whether this record is suitable for use in species distribution modelling. Wiki I S i18n boolean
species species species species Taxon Species Species The species the Atlas has matched this record to in the NSL http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/species I S i18n string
speciesGroup speciesGroups speciesGroup Lifeform Higher level group for this record e.g. Birds I S string
speciesID speciesGuid speciesID Species The species ID for this record I S string
speciesListUid speciesListUid Species lists Used to search for the records of taxon on a specific list. I S string
speciesSubgroup speciesSubgroup Species subgroups Higher level subgroup for this record e.g. Parrots I S string
specificEpithet specificEpithet specificEpithet Taxon Specific Epithet http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/specificEpithet I S string
startDayOfYear startDayOfYear startDayOfYear Event Start Day Of Year http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/startDayOfYear I S string
stateConservation stateConservation stateConservation State conservation The state conservation status for the taxon. I S string
stateInvasive stateInvasive stateInvasive I S string