Occurrence record: AD 166292
Preserved specimen
Acacia sp. Winged (C.R.Alcock 4936)
recorded on 2003-09-25
Data partner | Australia's Virtual Herbarium |
Data resource | AD AVH Data |
Institution code |
Department for Environment and Water
Supplied institution code "AD" |
Collection |
State Herbarium of South Australia
Supplied collection code "AD" |
Catalog number | AD 166292 |
Occurrence ID | AD:AD:AD166292 |
Record type |
Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen" |
Identified by | Biological Survey of SA |
Collector | Lang, P.J. | Canty, P.D. |
Record number | BS128-2322 |
Associated Occurrence Status | Representative record |
Associated occurrences |
This record has 1 inferred associated occurrences
For more information see Inferred associated occurrence details |
License | CC-BY 4.0 (Int) Supplied as https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
Rights holder | Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium |
Type | PhysicalObject |
Presence/Absence | PRESENT Supplied as Present |
Associated records | REPRESENTATIVE |
Dataset / Survey name | [The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH)] |
Date identified | 2006-11 |
Dataset / Survey name | The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) |
Occurrence date | 2003-09-25 |
Verbatim event date | 25 Sep 2003 |
End day of year | 268 |
Date precision | DAY |
Start day of year | 268 |
Scientific name |
Acacia sp. Winged (C.R.Alcock 4936)
Supplied scientific name "Acacia sp. Winged (C.R.Alcock 4936) Maslin" |
Identified to rank | species |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Phylum | Charophyta |
Class | Equisetopsida |
Order | Fabales |
Family |
Supplied as "Leguminosae" |
Genus | Acacia |
Species | Acacia Winged |
Name match metric | exactMatch |
Scientific name authorship | Maslin |
Name parse type | INFORMAL |
Country | Australia |
State or Territory | South Australia |
Locality | Hincks CP, 5.2 km N from S boundary along road through western end of park. [12.6 km direct SSE of Tooligie Hill]; Property: Hincks CP; Site: BS128-HIN01201, Patchid: 19261 |
Habitat |
Supplied as "Sandy plain in plain system. W-facing, 2 degree slope. Sparse calcareous pebble (5-50 mm) strew. Sandy loam. {Eucalyptus dumosa}, {Eucalyptus gracilis}, {Eucalyptus yalatensis} Open Mallee over {Triodia irritans}, {Pultenaea tenuifolia}, {Melaleuca lanceolata} ssp. {lanceolata} (NC), {Gahnia lanigera}" |
Latitude |
-33.888333 Supplied as: "-33.8883330000" |
Longitude |
135.886111 Supplied as: "135.8861110000" |
Datum |
EPSG:4326 Supplied datum: "GDA94" |
Min elevation | 85 |
Max elevation | 85 |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Coordinate uncertainty (in metres) | 150.0 |
Terrestrial | true |
Marine | false |
Country Code | AU |
Verbatim coordinates | 33,53,18,S;135,53,10,E |
Additional properties
herbarium region sa | Eyre Peninsula - EP-7 |
Data quality tests
Test name | Result |
Invalid scientific name | Warning |
Show/Hide 100 passed properties | |
Show/Hide 5 missing properties | |
Show/Hide 18 tests that have not been run |
Inferred associated occurrence details
This record has been identified as the representative occurrence in a group of associated occurrences. This mean other records have been detected that seem to relate to this record and this particular record has the most detailed information on the occurrence. More information about the duplication detection methods and terminology in use is available here:
Representative Record | |||
Record UUID | 08c9a5bf-992b-435d-8811-e3b59f932af1 | ||
Data Resource | AD AVH Data | ||
Raw Scientific Name | Acacia sp. Winged (C.R.Alcock 4936) Maslin | ||
Coordinates | -33.888333,135.886111 | ||
Related records | |||
Record UUID | c3e26b03-e003-470d-8bf6-3ac8e473b70a | ||
Data Resource | |||
Raw Scientific Name | Acacia sp. Winged (C.R.Alcock 4936) | ||
Coordinates | -33.88841,135.88602 |