Occurrence record: PERTH 4326385
Data partner | Australia's Virtual Herbarium |
Data resource | Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH) AVH data |
Institution code |
Western Australia, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Supplied institution code "PERTH" |
Collection |
Western Australian Herbarium
Supplied collection code "PERTH" |
Catalog number | PERTH 4326385 |
Occurrence ID | 4326385 |
Record type |
Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen" |
Collector | Keighery, G.J. |
Record number | 13373 |
License | CC0 Supplied as CC0 International |
Rights holder | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions |
Institution ID | https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll/institution/d129a8d1-2339-4a47-aa19-a8e0a078082a |
Field Number | 13373 |
Language | en |
Degree of establishment | native |
Type | PhysicalObject |
Presence/Absence | PRESENT Supplied as present |
Owner institution code | PERTH |
Collection | https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll/collection/4c63d5f6-b20b-49e5-8006-e2af210eab0e |
Dataset / Survey name | [PERTH AVH data] |
Organism remarks | Submerged annual aquatic herb, in flower and fruit. |
Occurrence remarks | In shallow lagoon. Grey-black clay. |
Access rights | https://florabase.dpaw.wa.gov.au/help/copyright |
Identification verification status | verified |
Identification remarks | See C.A. Stace in Watsonia 27:246(2009) |
Dataset / Survey name | PERTH AVH data |
Field Number | 13373 |
Identification remarks | See C.A. Stace in Watsonia 27:246(2009) |
Occurrence date | 1994-09-15 |
Verbatim event date | 15 Sep 1994 |
End day of year | 258 |
Date precision | DAY |
Start day of year | 258 |
Scientific name |
Callitriche brutia subsp. brutia
Supplied scientific name "Callitriche brutia Petagna subsp. brutia" |
Identified to rank |
Supplied as "subsp." |
Common name | Water Starwort |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Phylum | Charophyta |
Class | Equisetopsida |
Order | Lamiales |
Family | Plantaginaceae |
Genus | Callitriche |
Species | Callitriche brutia |
Name match metric | exactMatch |
Taxon remarks | See C.A. Stace in Watsonia 27:246(2009) |
Infraspecific epithet | brutia |
Subspecies | Callitriche brutia subsp. brutia |
Scientific name authorship | Petagna |
Name parse type | SCIENTIFIC |
Nomenclatural code | ICBN |
Taxonomic status | accepted |
Country | Australia |
State or Territory | Western Australia |
Locality | Tuart Forest; SW of Ludlow |
Habitat |
Supplied as "In shallow lagoon. Grey-black clay. Melaleuca rhaphiophylla low woodland." |
Latitude |
-33.616667 Supplied as: "-33.61666667" |
Longitude |
115.55 Supplied as: "115.55000000" |
Datum |
EPSG:4326 Supplied datum: "GDA94" |
Verbatim locality | Tuart Forest; SW of Ludlow |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Location according to | unknown |
Terrestrial | true |
Marine | false |
Country Code | AU |
Additional properties
verbatim identification | Callitriche brutia Petagna subsp. brutia |
Data quality tests
Test name | Result |
Coordinate rounded | Warning |
Coordinate uncertainty meters invalid | Warning |
Show/Hide 93 passed properties | |
Show/Hide 5 missing properties | |
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Outlier information
This record has been detected as an outlier using the Reverse Jackknife algorithm for the following layers:
Precipitation - seasonality (Bio15) - CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
Notes: Data derived using ANUCLIM v6 (beta) with the new set of climate surfaces (centred on 1990), by Dr. Kristen Williams.
Scale: 0.01 degree (~1km)
More information on the data quality work being undertaken by the Atlas is available here: