Occurrence record: MEL 2373371A

Preserved specimen of Eremophila verrucosa subsp. brevistellata Chinnock recorded on 1987-09-30


Data partner Australia's Virtual Herbarium
Data resource National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) AVH data
Institution code Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Supplied institution code "MEL"
Collection National Herbarium of Victoria
Supplied collection code "MEL"
Catalog number MEL 2373371A
Occurrence ID ff81a22a-107b-11e3-af2b-005056b0018f
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen"
Preparations Sheet
Identified by Chinnock, R.J.  
Collector Chinnock, R.J.
Record number 7733
Reproductive condition flowers
Associated Occurrence Status Representative record
Associated occurrences This record has 2 inferred associated occurrences
For more information see Inferred associated occurrence details
License CC-BY 4.0 (Int)
Supplied as https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
Rights holder Royal Botanic Gardens Board
Type PhysicalObject
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Supplied as present
Field notes Erect shrub 1.5 m tall. Flowers deep lilac, inside of tube white on lower side deep lilac spotted.
Identified by ID http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q22958786
recorded by ID http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q22958786
Associated records REPRESENTATIVE
Occurrence remarks Solitary plant.
Identification ID 4b53a0bd-1abd-11e3-90a2-6c626d51f2da


Event ID 83537921-1abc-11e3-90a2-6c626d51f2da
Occurrence date 1987-09-30
Supplied as year:1987  month:9  day:30 
End day of year 273
Date precision DAY
Start day of year 273


Higher classification Eukarya | Plantae | Viridaeplantae | Tracheophyta | Magnoliopsida | Lamiales | Scrophulariaceae | Eremophila | verrucosa
Scientific name Eremophila verrucosa subsp. brevistellata
Identified to rank subspecies
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Charophyta
Supplied as "Tracheophyta"
Class Equisetopsida
Supplied as "Magnoliopsida"
Order Lamiales
Family Scrophulariaceae
Genus Eremophila
Species Eremophila verrucosa
Name match metric exactMatch
Infraspecific epithet brevistellata
Subspecies Eremophila verrucosa subsp. brevistellata
Scientific name authorship Chinnock
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Nomenclatural code ICN


Country Australia
State or Territory South Australia
Locality 1 km S of railway crossing, Ooldea.
Supplied as "Acacia brachystachya shrubland over Cassia, Eremophila on stony red sands with a few scattered Casuarina cristata."
Latitude -30.4904192
Supplied as: "-30.4916670000"
Longitude 131.8511094
Supplied as: "131.8500000000"
Datum EPSG:4326
Supplied datum: "epsg:4203"
Verbatim coordinate system decimal degrees
Verbatim locality 1 km S of railway crossing, Ooldea.
Field notes Erect shrub 1.5 m tall. Flowers deep lilac, inside of tube white on lower side deep lilac spotted.
Coordinate precision 0.0100000000
Coordinate uncertainty (in metres) 10000.0
Terrestrial true
Verbatim latitude 30.491667° S
Continent Oceania
Marine false
Country Code AU
Verbatim longitude 131.85° E
Verbatim SRS epsg:4203
Location ID bf321b80-1abc-11e3-90a2-6c626d51f2da

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    Inferred associated occurrence details

    This record has been identified as the representative occurrence in a group of associated occurrences. This mean other records have been detected that seem to relate to this record and this particular record has the most detailed information on the occurrence. More information about the duplication detection methods and terminology in use is available here:

    Representative Record
    Record UUID 2d626a88-65ce-4dab-bfd5-210f07b20285
    Data Resource National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) AVH data
    Raw Scientific Name Eremophila verrucosa subsp. brevistellata
    Coordinates -30.4904192,131.8511094
    Related records
    Record UUID 88beb39d-8c4a-4a67-aed8-0967e6392197
    Data Resource AD AVH Data
    Raw Scientific Name Eremophila verrucosa Chinnock ssp. brevistellata Chinnock
    Coordinates -30.4904192,131.8511094
    Record UUID 4c20cc20-42dc-4251-a46b-2abbcb75c1c4
    Data Resource Northern Territory Herbarium (DNA) AVH data
    Raw Scientific Name Eremophila verrucosa Chinnock
    Coordinates -30.491667,131.85

    Additional political boundaries information

    Area Management
    CAPAD 2016 Terrestrial Nullarbor
    CAPAD 2020 Terrestrial Nullarbor
    NRM Regions 2010 Alinytjara Wilurara
    NRM Regions 2017 Alinytjara Wilurara
    Area management
    National Landcare Program Management Units 2018 Alinytjara Wilurara
    IBRA 6 Regions Great Victoria Desert
    IBRA 7 Regions Great Victoria Desert
    IBRA 7 Subregions Yellabinna
    Drainage Divisions Level 1 South Western Plateau
    Drainage Divisions Level 2 GAIRDNER
    States including coastal waters South Australia (including Coastal Waters)
    ASGS Australian States and Territories South Australia
    Australian States and Territories South Australia
    Indigenous Land Use Agreements Far West Coast Native Title Settlement ILUA
    Local Government Areas 2011 Unincorporated SA
    Local Government Areas 2012 deprecated Unincorp. Far North
    National Native Title Register (NNTR, Determinations of Native Title) - boundaries and core attributes Far West Coast
    PSMA ABS Census Indigenous Language Speakers by Area - I01B (2016) 194
    PSMA ABS Census Selected Person Characteristics by Indigenous Status by Area - I01A (2016) 697
    PSMA ABS Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (2016) REST OF SA
    PSMA ABS SA2 Statistical Areas (2016) WESTERN
    PSMA ABS SA4 Statistical Areas (2016) SOUTH AUSTRALIA - OUTBACK
    PSMA Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (2018) GREY
    PSMA Indigenous Areas (2016) CEDUNA - WEST COAST
    PSMA Indigenous Locations (2016) MARALINGA TJARUTJA
    PSMA Indigenous Regions (2016) PORT LINCOLN - CEDUNA
    PSMA Remoteness Areas (2016) Very Remote Australia
    PSMA State Electoral Boundaries (2018) GILES
    PSMA States (2016) SOUTH AUSTRALIA
    World Country Boundaries Australia
    Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2013) v2.0 Non-Indigenous, Non forest
    Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 Non Forest
    Forests of Australia 2018B Non forest
    NVIS 4.1 Major Vegetation Groups Chenopod Shrublands, Samphire Shrublands and Forblands
    NVIS 4.1 Major Vegetation Subgroups Saltbush and/or Bluebush shrublands
    Tenure of Australia's forests (2013) v2.0 Nature Conservation Reserve
    Vegetation types - native Mallee woodlands and shrublands
    Vegetation types - present Chenopod shrublands, samphire shrubs and forblands

    Environmental sampling for this location

    Occurrence Density 4476.0 frequency
    Species Richness 881.0 frequency
    Precipitation - annual (Bio12) 199.0 mm
    Precipitation - coldest quarter (Bio19) 48.0 mm
    Precipitation - driest period (Bio14) 2.0 mm
    Precipitation - driest quarter (Bio17) 43.0 mm
    Precipitation - seasonality (Bio15) 20.0 mm
    Precipitation - warmest quarter (Bio18) 51.0 mm
    Precipitation - wettest period (Bio13) 5.0 mm
    Precipitation - wettest quarter (Bio16) 57.0 mm
    Radiation - annual mean (Bio20) 20.2 MJ/m2/day
    Radiation - seasonality (Bio23) 32.0
    Radiation - warmest quarter (Bio26) 27.2 MJ/m2/day
    Temperature - annual mean (Bio01) 18.9 degrees C
    Temperature - annual range (Bio07) 26.7 degrees C
    Temperature - coldest period min (Bio06) 6.0 degrees C
    Temperature - coldest quarter mean (Bio11) 13.1 degrees C
    Temperature - diurnal range mean (Bio02) 13.6 degrees C
    Temperature - driest quarter mean (Bio09) 17.5 degrees C
    Temperature - isothermality (Bio03) 0.51 %
    Temperature - seasonality (Bio04) 1.53
    Temperature - warmest period max (Bio05) 32.6 degrees C
    Temperature - warmest quarter (Bio10) 24.5 degrees C
    Temperature - wettest quarter mean (Bio08) 20.9 degrees C
    WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - annual mean 18.979166 °C
    WorldClim: Temperature - isothermality 54.0 %
    Moisture Index - annual mean (Bio28) 0.09
    Moisture Index - highest quarter mean (Bio32) 0.16
    Elevation 118.0 m