Occurrence record: AD 251782

Preserved specimen of Pultenaea villifera var. glabrescens J.M.Black | Splendid Bush-pea recorded on 2009-05-07


Data partner Australia's Virtual Herbarium
Data resource AD AVH Data
Institution code Department for Environment and Water
Supplied institution code "AD"
Collection State Herbarium of South Australia
Supplied collection code "AD"
Catalog number AD 251782
Occurrence ID AD:AD:AD251782
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen"
Identified by Lang, P.J.  
Collector Overton, B.M. | Masters, P. | Henzell, R.
Record number 2976
License CC-BY 4.0 (Int)
Supplied as https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
Rights holder Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium
Type PhysicalObject
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Supplied as Present
Country conservation Vulnerable
Dataset / Survey name [The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH)]
State conservation Vulnerable
Date identified 2012-02-16
Supplied as 20120216


Dataset / Survey name The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH)  
Occurrence date 2009-05-07
Verbatim event date 7 May 2009
End day of year 127
Date precision DAY
Start day of year 127


Scientific name Pultenaea villifera var. glabrescens
Supplied scientific name "Pultenaea villifera Sieber ex DC. var. glabrescens J.M.Black"
Identified to rank variety
Supplied as "var."
Common name Splendid Bush-pea
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Charophyta
Class Equisetopsida
Order Fabales
Family Fabaceae
Supplied as "Leguminosae"
Genus Pultenaea
Species Pultenaea villifera
Name match metric canonicalMatch
Infraspecific epithet glabrescens
Scientific name authorship J.M.Black
Supplied as Sieber ex DC.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC


Country Australia
State or Territory South Australia
Locality Property called "Strepra", part Section 42, Hundred of Dun[c]an, W of Strepra Falls, 2.5 km SSW of the former picnic area at Middle River
Supplied as "In the very steep hill slope above Middle River tributary. Sandy loamy clay soil over sandstone. {Eucalyptus cladocalyx} and {Allocasuarina} habitat with mid dense leaf and plant debris"
Latitude -35.706111
Supplied as: "-35.7061110000"
Longitude 136.558333
Supplied as: "136.5583330000"
Datum EPSG:4326
Supplied datum: "WGS84"
Coordinate precision Unknown
Coordinate uncertainty (in metres) 15.0
Terrestrial true
Marine false
Country Code AU
Verbatim coordinates 35,42,22,S;136,33,30,E

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    Additional political boundaries information

    Area Management
    Australian Coral Ecoregions South-east Australia
    CAPAD 2016 Marine Western Kangaroo Island
    CAPAD 2018 Marine Western Kangaroo Island
    CAPAD 2020 Marine Western Kangaroo Island
    NRM Regions 2010 Kangaroo Island
    NRM Regions 2017 Kangaroo Island
    Area management
    National Landcare Program Management Units 2018 Kangaroo Island
    IMCRA 4 Regions Spencer Gulf Shelf Province
    IMCRA Meso-scale Bioregions Eyre
    States including coastal waters South Australia (including Coastal Waters)

    Environmental sampling for this location

    Occurrence Density 2515.0 frequency
    Species Richness 675.0 frequency