Occurrence record: MEL 2562744A

Preserved specimen of Fuligo muscorum Alb. & Schwein., 1805 recorded on 1836-09


Data partner Australia's Virtual Herbarium
Data resource National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) AVH data
Institution code Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Supplied institution code "MEL"
Collection National Herbarium of Victoria
Supplied collection code "MEL"
Catalog number MEL 2562744A
Occurrence ID da047cd4-41d9-4ec5-921d-792f48899d8c
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen"
Preparations Sheet
Identified by National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL)  
Record number s.n.
License CC-BY 4.0 (Int)
Supplied as https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
Rights holder Royal Botanic Gardens Board
Type PhysicalObject
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Supplied as present
Previous identifications Reticularia muscorum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr., Reticularia muscorum Fr. ex descripticae optime [?=comparata] Lignydium griseo-flavum Lk.
Occurrence remarks [Scripsit F. Rudolphi ? Reverse of label includes dates and German in unknown hand - H. Merrylees 3 December 2024] [MEL 2562744 and MEL 2562745 found in the same folded bond. Separated at databasing].
Date identified 2024-12-03
Identification remarks Fide: Index Fungorum, accessed 3 December 2024.
Identification ID a5c88215-43ad-4cfc-9b05-8676ce9e6a7d


Event ID 3e94a4e6-0ea9-4b5a-b66e-ed24f1babe40
Identification remarks Fide: Index Fungorum, accessed 3 December 2024.
Occurrence date Year: 1836, Month: 9, Day:
Supplied as year:1836  month:9 
Date precision MONTH


Higher classification Eukarya | Protozoa | Myxomycota | Myxomycetes | Physarales | Physaraceae | Fuligo
Scientific name Fuligo muscorum
Identified to rank species
Kingdom Protista
Supplied as "Protozoa"
Phylum Amoebozoa
Class Myxogastrea
Supplied as "Myxomycetes"
Order Physarida
Supplied as "Physarales"
Family Physaraceae
Genus Fuligo
Species Fuligo muscorum
Name match metric exactMatch
Scientific name authorship Alb. & Schwein., 1805
Supplied as Alb. & Schwein.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Nomenclatural code ICN


Country Germany
State or Territory Schleswig-Holstein
Locality Pp Ratzebg [=near Ratzeburg].
Latitude 53.7
Supplied as: "53.7000000000"
Longitude 10.766667
Supplied as: "10.7666666667"
Datum EPSG:4326
Supplied datum: "epsg:4326"
Verbatim coordinate system degrees decimal minutes
Verbatim locality Pp Ratzebg [=near Ratzeburg].
Coordinate precision 0.0166666667
Coordinate uncertainty (in metres) 10000.0
Georeference protocol GeoNames
Terrestrial true
Verbatim latitude 53° 42' N
Continent Europe
Marine false
Country Code DE
Verbatim longitude 10° 46' E
Verbatim SRS epsg:4326
Location ID 744a3110-28a6-4efa-ac89-b51b0627d8bf

Additional properties

material entity id da047cd4-41d9-4ec5-921d-792f48899d8c

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