Occurrence record: PERTH 9740074
Data partner | Australia's Virtual Herbarium |
Data resource | Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH) AVH data |
Institution code |
Western Australia, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Supplied institution code "PERTH" |
Collection |
Western Australian Herbarium
Supplied collection code "PERTH" |
Catalog number | PERTH 9740074 |
Occurrence ID | 9740074 |
Record type |
Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen" |
Collector | Pedro, A.; Pedro, U. |
Record number | 55 |
License | CC0 Supplied as CC0 International |
Rights holder | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions |
Institution ID | https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll/institution/d129a8d1-2339-4a47-aa19-a8e0a078082a |
Field Number | 55 |
Language | en |
Degree of establishment | native |
Type | PhysicalObject |
Presence/Absence | PRESENT Supplied as present |
Owner institution code | PERTH |
Collection | https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll/collection/4c63d5f6-b20b-49e5-8006-e2af210eab0e |
Dataset / Survey name | [PERTH AVH data] |
Organism remarks | Blue outer; rough surface. Size: 34 mm height, 24 mm diameter (cap). Cap: more or less round, undulating from above, from side convex with an inrolled margin even when mature - most quite solid fleshy. Stipe: fleshy / fibrous, dense in sections, lilac inside, violet outside. Colour: cap is dark, dense violet (black shaded), suaede like in appearance. Stipe equal, central, dry. Flesh is solid. Partial veil fugaceous, lilac, sporadically with rust colour spores on it. Superior and remnant as threads on stipe. Gills: attached, rust brown, small in comparison with cap, 5 mm long, medium thickness, margin difficult to see because of inrolled cap. |
Access rights | https://florabase.dpaw.wa.gov.au/help/copyright |
Identification verification status | verified |
Dataset / Survey name | PERTH AVH data |
Field Number | 55 |
Occurrence date | 2001-06-25 |
Verbatim event date | 25 Jun 2001 |
End day of year | 176 |
Date precision | DAY |
Start day of year | 176 |
Scientific name |
Supplied scientific name "Cortinarius sp." |
Identified to rank | genus |
Kingdom | Fungi |
Phylum | Basidiomycota |
Class | Agaricomycetes |
Order | Agaricales |
Family | Cortinariaceae |
Genus | Cortinarius |
Species | Cortinarius sp. |
Name match metric | exactMatch |
Scientific name authorship | (Pers.) Gray |
Name parse type | INFORMAL |
Nomenclatural code | ICBN |
Taxonomic status | accepted |
Country | Australia |
State or Territory | Western Australia |
Locality | Walpole-Nornalup National Park |
Habitat |
Supplied as "Bulloak / Tingle." |
Latitude |
-34.983333 Supplied as: "-34.98333333" |
Longitude |
116.8 Supplied as: "116.80000000" |
Datum |
EPSG:4326 Supplied datum: "GDA94" |
Verbatim locality | Walpole-Nornalup National Park |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Coordinate uncertainty (in metres) | 10000.0 |
Location according to | compiler |
Terrestrial | true |
Marine | false |
Country Code | AU |
Additional properties
verbatim identification | Cortinarius sp. |
Data quality tests
Test name | Result |
Coordinate rounded | Warning |
Invalid scientific name | Warning |
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