Occurrence record: UNITEC001203

Preserved specimen of Dendroconche scandens (G.Forst.) Testo, Sundue & A.R.Field | Fragrant Fern recorded on 2000-08-25


Data resource New Zealand Virtual Herbarium
Institution code Unitec Institute of Technology
Supplied institution code "UNITEC"
Collection Unitec Institute of Technology Herbarium
Supplied collection code "UNITEC"
Catalog number UNITEC001203
Occurrence ID cb001b1d-9847-4111-8202-36e57f3779c0
Record type Preserved specimen
Identified by Mark Large  
Collector Waters, Neil
License CC-BY 4.0 (Int)
Supplied as CC-BY
Type PhysicalObject
Presence/Absence PRESENT


Occurrence date 2000-08-25
Supplied date "2000-08-25T00:00:00.0000000"
End day of year 238
Date precision DAY
Start day of year 238


Scientific name Dendroconche scandens
Supplied scientific name "Microsorum scandens"
Identified to rank species
Common name Fragrant Fern
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Charophyta
Class Equisetopsida
Order Polypodiales
Family Polypodiaceae
Genus Dendroconche
Supplied as "Microsorum"
Species Dendroconche scandens
Supplied as "Microsorum scandens"
Name match metric exactMatch
Scientific name authorship (G.Forst.) Testo, Sundue & A.R.Field
Supplied as (G.Forst.) Tindale
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC


Country New Zealand
Terrestrial false
Elevation 100
Continent OCEANIA
Marine false
Country Code NZ
Verbatim coordinates NZMS 242 40o21S 175o39E

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