Occurrence record: NSW899852

Preserved specimen of Leionema scopulinum B.M.Horton & Crayn recorded on 2012-05-19


Data partner Australia's Virtual Herbarium
Data resource NSW AVH feed
Institution code The Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust
Supplied institution code "NSW"
Collection National Herbarium of New South Wales
Supplied collection code "NSW"
Catalog number NSW899852
Occurrence ID NSW:NSW:NSW899852
Record type Preserved specimen
Supplied basis "PreservedSpecimen"
Preparations sheet
Collector Clarke, S.
Record number 303
Reproductive condition flowers
License CC-BY 4.0 (Int)
Establishment means native
Type PhysicalObject
Presence/Absence PRESENT
Supplied as present
Disposition in collection
Occurrence remarks Woody shrubs to 2.5 m. Flowers greenish yellow to yellow.
State conservation Endangered


Occurrence date 2012-05-19
End day of year 140
Date precision DAY
Start day of year 140


Scientific name Leionema scopulinum
Supplied scientific name "Leionema scopulinum B.M.Horton & Crayn"
Identified to rank species
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Charophyta
Class Equisetopsida
Order Sapindales
Family Rutaceae
Genus Leionema
Species Leionema scopulinum
Name match metric exactMatch
Scientific name authorship B.M.Horton & Crayn
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Nomenclatural code ICN
Verbatim taxon rank species


Country Australia
State or Territory New South Wales
Locality Cliffs above Canobla Creek, c. 6 km WSW of Glen Davis (c. 3 km east of Canobla Gap), Wollemi National Park.
Supplied as "Rocky outcrop, 2-300 plants present. Narrabeen Sandstone, S-SW aspect. Main group on vegetated ledge between upper and lower clifflines. Co-dominant to dominant component of dense understorey. Medium canopy of mallee Euc. sp to 6-7 m. Mid-canopy of Acacia sp., understorey components include Isopogon dawsonii, Leptospermum trinervium, Ricinocarpos pinifolius, Banksia cunninghamii,. Leucopogon sp., Acacia terminalis, Boronia rubiginosa, Epacris reclinata, Xanthorhoea sp., Stylidium productum."
Supplied datum: "EPSG:4202"
Verbatim coordinate system UTM
Min elevation 720
Max elevation 800
Coordinate uncertainty (in metres) 100.0
Georeference sources Map
County Central Tablelands
Terrestrial false
Elevation 720 - 800 m
Continent OCEANIA
Marine false
Country Code AU
Verbatim coordinates 562430E 63298N

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